Column-orthogonal strong orthogonal arrays
Speaker: Minqian Liu(刘民千教授)
Time : 2021/5/8 (Sat.) 10:00
Venue : Tencent Meeting ID: 864 928 939
Host : Wangxue Chen(陈望学)
报告简介 Abstract
Strong orthogonal arrays were recently introduced as a new class of space-filling designs for computer experiments due to their better stratifications than orthogonal arrays. To further improve the space-filling properties in low dimensions while possessing the column orthogonality, we propose column-orthogonal strong orthogonal arrays of strength two star and three. Construction methods and characterizations of such designs are provided. The resulting strong orthogonal arrays, with the numbers of levels being increased, have their space-filling properties in one and two dimensions being strengthened. They can accommodate comparable or even larger numbers of factors than those in the existing literature, enjoy flexible run sizes, and possess the column orthogonality. The construction methods are convenient and flexible, and the resulting designs are good choices for computer experiments.
This is a joint work with Wenlong Li and Jian-Feng Yang.
嘉宾简介 About the Speaker
刘民千,南开大学英才教授、博士生导师,南开大学统计与数据科学学院副经理。国家“万人计划”领军人才、享受国务院政府特殊津贴专家、科技部中青年科技创新领军人才、教育部新世纪优秀人才、天津市中青年科技创新领军人才、天津市“131”创新型人才团队带头人、天津市“高层次创新创业团队”团队负责人。兼任教育部高等学校统计学类专业教学指导委员会委员、中国数学会均匀设计分会主任、中国现场统计研究会试验设计分会副理事长、天津市现场统计研究会理事长、国际统计期刊《Communications in Statistics》的Associate Editor、国内核心期刊《数理统计与管理》和《应用概率统计》编委等。长期从事试验设计与数据分析、计算机试验的建模与优化、大数据统计分析等方面的研究。现已在包括国内外统计学顶级期刊《Annals of Statistics》、《Biometrika》、《中国科学》在内的学术期刊上发表论文120余篇,合作出版中英文专著各1部;主持国防973子课题1项、国家自然科学基金重点项目子课题1项、国家自然科学基金面上项目5项、教育部高校博士点基金项目1项;曾获得教育部自然科学奖二等奖、全国统计科学研究优秀成果一等奖、天津青年科技奖等多项省部级科研奖励。详情请参见个人主页:http://web.stat.nankai.edu.cn/mqliu/。